I am now a resident of Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. I live with 3 other wonderful roomates in a beautiful apartment in town. I work about twenty minutes from my home at a place called Gateway Rehabilitation Center as a full-time evening counselor. It is wonderful and so difficult all at the same time. But one thing I can say is, God is good. :)

Sunday, February 05, 2006

This is the Nile River at sunset. There are just no words for this when you're there. I'm a big fan of sunsets, sunrises and stars though, haha. We watched them all this weekend. It's so awe inspiring just to soak in all God's beauty through his creation. Our campsite was right beside the river and budjagalli falls where we listened to the rushing water all night and then awoke for the sunrise in the morning. There's just nothing better than that, i don't think. I wish all of you could be there with me and see how spectacular the river is and the beauty all around. A picture just doesn't do much good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pictures will be just fine for now, so keep sending them!!! I love to read your blog and learn about what you are doing and experiencing. The roomies and I are holding down the fort at Geneva...haha...nothing too exciting going on here. I'll leave you with a laffy taffy joke, "Why should you never iron a 4 leaf clover?"

you might press your luck...haha...get it! press your luck!
anyway, i love you and i am continually praying for you.

5:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have no idea how much good the pictures do especially accompained by your wonderfully inspires commentaries.
God is so good. Pam B.

6:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can I be anonymous when I keep signing everything Pam B.?

6:34 AM

Blogger The_Scotts said...

I'm so happy that you are able to sit back after a rough day and relax while experiencing and noticing the beauty of God's creation. It's like a reminder that He is always with you no matter where you are.

1:20 PM


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