I am now a resident of Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. I live with 3 other wonderful roomates in a beautiful apartment in town. I work about twenty minutes from my home at a place called Gateway Rehabilitation Center as a full-time evening counselor. It is wonderful and so difficult all at the same time. But one thing I can say is, God is good. :)

Friday, February 10, 2006

hey, just thought I'd put up a picture of me and the girls in the raft. This was before the bujagalli falls where I fell out and felt like I was drowning, haha. Our guide is in the back steering in the yellow shirt. I am the one looking like an idiot. :) I am the further side, second from the front. I saw the camera man pointing his camera and no one else did. Maybe I was distracted too much and that's why I fell out. Well, Pam asked me to tell you where Andrea, Caitlin and heidi are from....Andrea is from converse college in South carolina, and she has a thick accent. Caitlin is from philly and goes to eastern, and Heidi is from Indiana and goes to taylor university. That's about it. Only andrea is in this picture, and I think she is the one in front closest to the pic. By the way, this is a picture of a picture I payed for so it's a little weird looking. I took it so I could put it up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew that was you without immediatly!

2:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am SO incredibly jealous of you rafting the nile. gah...

11:29 AM


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