I am now a resident of Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. I live with 3 other wonderful roomates in a beautiful apartment in town. I work about twenty minutes from my home at a place called Gateway Rehabilitation Center as a full-time evening counselor. It is wonderful and so difficult all at the same time. But one thing I can say is, God is good. :)

Friday, February 10, 2006

hey, this was from last night. I went up with two of my roomies to "monkey hill" just on campus. this one is andrea. We wanted to just see the sunset...can you tell I am obsessed with the sun??? I have already put up 3 pictures of it! Anyways, the ugandans here think it's pretty funny that I star gaze as well. They don't see any point in it. So, we went up and just read and watched it dunk behind the hill...and you know what I said? I said, "that looks like a red rubber ball!" (Yeah, that one's for you, mom. I know you'd like that. :)

well, I'll just post a few funny quotes I've been laughing about lately. We were in litererature class yesterday and although we've gotten used to the way they talk here, we still get thrown off guard many times. So, my professor was referring to huckelberry finn and the way he said it sounded something like jibberish...we all just sat there for a second in silence, then we all figured it out and one of the girls, Nikki said, "this is so fun...it's like we're playing mad gab!" Oh, and this girl, Nikki is a very hard name for my professor to pronounce as well. This "I"s have the accent of sounding like an "e" and the "k"s for their language come out like a "ch" so altogether, this makes nikki's name "Neitche" the philosopher who claimed God was dead. So, we definitely joke around with her about that one every time he calls on her. So, that's it for now, and I'll hopefully post some more later. Keep the comments coming or the emails...i love them!!! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meg, it was wonderful to talk to you again...sorry we got cut off before saying goodbye. Keep enjoying what you're doing - you're almost halfway done with your stay there, can you believe it?

And although uncle bob is definitely an "elder", no need to bow - next thing you know he'll be asking you to do the electric slide in church and wear crazy dresses. You give the man an inch, he'll take a yard I tell ya. Love ya Meg!

7:04 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Megan! What a beautiful view. You must be having an amazing time in Uganda. I can't even imagine what it's like. We had African neighbors from Camaroon at our last house and they were great. It is fun learning about other cultures, isn't it? This world is so amazing. God is amazing. I wonder if we're in the same time zone??? Hope you're not missing home too much. . .

4:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love sunsets and star gazing. It helps put things into perspective for me. When you see these you cannot keep from glorifying God. One can get a glimpse at how magnificent God really is (Romans 1:20).

Also, disregard Josh’s comments about ways to show respect to elders. He is a little “off”, but he cannot help it … after all he lives in AR. I think assimilating cultural morays into you practices at home is a fine thing.

Please do not make fun of Megan’s clothing.

6:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sent you a letter and it came back. Not enough postage. I guess you really are far away. Though with this blog it doesn't seem so far. I resent (or rather Dennis resent the letter).
Josh-why can't we make fun of Megan's clothes?
Pam B.

6:48 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should that have been re-sent the letter? I don't really resent the letter. Pam B.

I resent that it didn't get through the first time since you wanted real mail so badly.

6:50 AM


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