I love the weekends!!
Hey there! This is pictures from the wedding I went to yesterday. I was Shayna's date. Her date could not show up last minute, and instead of wasting a meal that had already been ordered, I became her date. It was probably the most expensive and elaborate wedding I've ever been to and ever will be, and it was so fun. This is a pic of me and Shayna as well as the absolutely incredible reception hall. Just to give you an idea, the reception started at 4:30 and we didn't leave until 9:30...and it wasn't close to being over. There was a 4 course meal of appetizers, salad, main meal and dessert... the main meal which we chose before going. The kids that came had their own room with caretakers, caricature artists and animal balloon artists, and their own meal. We had a dance and live music. It was so fun.
This picture is the bride and groom cutting the cake as well as the bride's two sons. The bride was married to a man until three years ago he suddenly died from cancer. It's been such a hard road for her, but her new husband Hank is such a great support and father to the kids. It was a pretty emotional service too. I was sure I wouldn't cry until Rene walked down the isle crying and started us all. They've been through a lot, but God is so good to bring them Hank and give the boys a father figure again. It was pretty neat to see the joy at the wedding. The boys stood up on stage as Hank and Rene exchanged their vows and rings...at one point, one of the boys interrupted the service to tell his mom he needed to go to the restroom...it was funny. Anyways, that was the wedding yesterday..thought you might enjoy these pictures. :)
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