I am now a resident of Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. I live with 3 other wonderful roomates in a beautiful apartment in town. I work about twenty minutes from my home at a place called Gateway Rehabilitation Center as a full-time evening counselor. It is wonderful and so difficult all at the same time. But one thing I can say is, God is good. :)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

hey people!! this is me on my bunk by my "letter wall" and if you've sent me a letter, it's probably on here. :) so, here's my thanks to those of you faithful writers!! And it's also a plead for more cause it can NEVER be too full, haha...anyways, the next blog it pretty deep cause I'm learning a lot, but I just wanted to put a fun one just to make it a little light-hearted. I guess this is a little disclaimer to the next one cause I keep getting emails and comments saying that it'll be okay, and i love the encouragement really..i just don't want you to think it's all so hard. see, when I get to writing, i start to think of all the deep pressing issues on my heart and sometimes forget all the fun and exciting things. Anyways, and i love all the comments recently posted. haha. and all the back and forth bickering about my clothes...yeah, that's my family for you. a bunch a crazies i tell ya. anyways, so yesterday i went to visit my "family" and really had such a great time. I got basically a heroes welcome and all sorts of luxuries on my return home. I got cassava, bread, tea and a samosa...that's such a treat here when the norm is rice and beans. So, then i learned to mix cement with my brother, Sam as well. I wasn't very good, but he got a kick out of watching me I think. haha. At least it's enterainment for them, even if it's not the entertainment I hoped to provide. I met a bunch of the kids in my mom's primary school as well. they were so eager to try out their english on me too. they asked me "howah yu?" and when i asked them, they say "finey"...yeah, it's so cute to hear them. Ok, but that's all for this one. Hope all are doing well. Thanks for the encouraging and funny comments...and pam's resentful letter. I think i resent it as well. I won't get it for a few more months now and by then it will be so outdated...but hey, I'm happy to get it. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Megan - this of this funny thought - the episode of you, me, and mere on like the first week of class your freshman year, when you said excuse me and mere thought you wanted her to move!!! LoL, thought it would cheer you up! :)

6:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No picture of a wall-I want to see if my letter made. Where's the picture? Pam B.

6:43 AM


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